






研究方向(Field of Research)

  • 管理信息系统及国际投资

    Management Information System 、International Investment

主授课程(Courses Offered)

  • 统计学、国际投资、管理信息系统、计量经济学

    Statistics、International Investment、Management Information System、Econometrics

教育经历(Education Experience)

  • 2010 -2013,圣卡洛斯大学,管理学,管理学博士

    From 2010- 2013,University of San Carlos,Management,PhD in Management

  • 2007-2009,阿德莱德大学,理学,理学硕士

    From 2007- 2009,University of San Carlos,Management,Master degree of Management

  • 2001- 2005,天津师范大学,理学,理学学士

    From 2001- 2005,Tianjin Normal University,Science,Bachelor in Science

工作经历(Work Experience)

  • 2021.08-至今,广州城市理工学院(原华南理工大学广州学院)国际商学院,投资学教研室主任,金融学副教授

    Since 2021,International Business School of GCU,Director of Faculty of Investment ,Associate Professor

  • 2014年-2021.08,华南理工大学广州学院国际商学院,投资学教研室主任,投资学讲师

    2014-2021.08,International Business School of GCU,Director of Faculty of Investment ,Lecturer

  • 2009-2010年,上海师范大学剑桥国际中心,数学学部讲师,

    Shanghai Normal University Cambridge International Center,Department of Mathematics,Lecturer


  • 2016、17、19年,华南理工大学广州学院优秀教师For the Year 2016,17,19,Be awarded as Excellent Teacher of GCU

  • 2019年,华南理工大学广州学院师德先进个人For the Year 2019,Be awarded as Advanced Individuals of Teachers' Morality of GCU

  • 2020年,广东省本科高校在线教学优秀案例(课程类)一等奖For the Year 2020,Be awarded The First Prize of Excellent Online Teaching Cases (Courses) in Guangdong Undergraduate Universities

  • 2020年,华南理工大学广州学院第一届微课比赛一等奖[4] For the Year 2020,Be awarded The First Prize of Mini-lecture Competition of GCU

  • 2021年,华南理工大学广州学院首届教师教学创新大赛一等奖、教学设计创新奖[5] For the Year 2021,Be awarded The First Prize & Innovation in Instructional Design of the First Teaching Innovation Contest of GCU

  • 2021年,广东省高校教师教学创新大赛优秀奖[6] For the year 2021, Be awarded The Excellent Prize of Guangdong Teaching Innovation Contest for College Teachers

  • 2021年 全国高校混合式教学设计大赛二等奖[7] For the Year 2021, The Second Place of National Blended Teaching Design Competition[8] 2021年,广东省高校改革创新优秀案例一等奖

  • For the Year 2021,Be awarded The First Prize of Excellent Innovation Teaching Cases in Universities


  • J.P. Wang. Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education -A Systematic Review[C]. Application & Development of Big Data in Business Education: Collection of Papers for 2020 IACBE Asian Regional Conference. Guangzhou: Press of South China University of Technology, 2020: 112-118.

  • J.P. Wang. Research on Risk Prevention and Control of Sino-foreign Cooperative Universities-Based in ERM Comprehensive Risk Management Framework[C]. Advances in Economics Business and Management Research. 2018, Vol.171:167-173.

  • 金融科技的发展现状、问题与展望[J]. 科技经济市场,2021(02):157-158.

  • 高科技公司估值方法综述[J].企业改革与管理,2021(14):6-7.DOI:10.13768/j.cnki.cn11-3793/f.2021.1376.

  • 基于人格理论与多元智力理论的多维学习评价——以商学院学生学习为例[J].才智,2019(12):17.