
Minghui Yang ,Yan Wang ,Regin Hammer,Petra Maresova d,* Occupational health and safety management system and stock price crash risk(2024) ,International Review of Financial ,93 (2024)103141,(SSCI Q1)
Yan Li, Qingfu Liu c, Deyu Miao c, Yiuman Tse d, *Return seasonality in commodity futures ,International Review of Economics and Finance 93PB (2024) pp. 448-462,(SSCI Q1)
钱仪和、王金鹏(2024),Multi-period portfolio optimization: A parallel N$GA-Il algorithm with real-wvorld constraints,Finance Research Letters,2023, 60, 104868, (SSCI Q2)
Liu, Yuan., Shaoming, Chen., & Yufang, Wang. (2024). Digital Product Import and Domestic Value-added Ratio of Export: Theory and Demonstration. Heliyon. 10(9), e30358. (SCI Q2)
Akbar, A., Usman, M., & Lin, T. (2023). Institutional dynamics and corporate innovation: A pathway to sustainable development. Sustainable Development, 1–15.https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.2790,SSCI
Lin, P. T., Li, P., & Akbar, A.* (2023). Examining the influence of institutional investors on the readability of environmental disclosure in CSR reports of Chinese listed firms. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2629 ,SSCI
钱仪和,王金鹏,蔡一新,Revolutionizing educational landscapes: A systematic review of Metaverse applications, paradigms and emerging technologies,Cogent Education,2023,10(2),SSCI
林腾,Yanhui Jin,Fei Gao,Ruifeng Yang,林茜,Institutional Investors, CSR Report Readability and the Moderating Role of ESG Performance,SAGE Open,2023,13(4),SSCI
Khizar, H. M. U., Younas, A., Kumar, S., Akbar, A.,* & Poulova, P. (2023). The progression of sustainable development goals in tourism: A systematic literature review of past achievements and future promises. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 8(4), 100442.SCI
Wang, Y., Yasmin, F., & Akbar, A. (2023). Impact of the internet on English language learning among university students: mediating role of academic self-efficacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1184185. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1184185 ,SSCI
袁柳,How Does Trade Policy Uncertainty Affect Supply Chain Efficiency: A Case Study of Listed Companies (A shares) of Chinese Port Industry,Sustainability,2023,15(9),SSCI
Wen, N., Usman, M., & Akbar, A.* (2023). The Nexus between Managerial Overconfidence, Corporate Innovation, and Institutional Effectiveness. Sustainability, 15(8), 6524.SSCI
Lyu, L.; Zhai, L.; Boukhris, M.; Akbar, A.* Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Practices on Impulse Buying Intention: Exploring the Moderating Influence of Social Media Advertising. Sustainability 2023, 15, 16258. https://doi.org/10.3390/su152316258,SSCI
Jiang, X., Akbar, A.,* Hysa, E. and Akbar, M. (2023), "Environmental protection investment and enterprise innovation: evidence from Chinese listed companies", Kybernetes, Vol. 52 No. 2, pp. 708-727. https://doi.org/10.1108/K-12-2021-1292 SSCI
王艳,年洁,杨明晖,“非国有派”董事与国有企业混合所有制并购绩效,《经济管理》,2023,3 87-106,CSSCI
AHSAN AKBAR,Arsalan Hussain,Arfan Shahzad,Hana Mohelska,Rohail Hassan,Environmental and technological factor diffusion with innovation and firm performance: Empirical evidence from manufacturing SMES,Frontiers in Environmental Science,SSCI
杨明晖,王嘉雯,Petra Maresova,Minhas Akbar,Can the spending of corporate social responsibility be offset? Evidence from pharmaceutical industry,Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraivanja,SSCI
杨明晖,陈少铭,王嘉雯,Yan Wang,Corporate social responsibility and stock price crash risk: Does analyst coverage matter?Applied Economics,SSCI
杨明晖,Yan Wang,白璐,Petra Maresova,Corporate social responsibility, family involvement, and stock price crash risk,Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,SSCI
Muhammad Tayyab Sohail,陈少铭A systematic PLS-SEM approach on assessment of indigenous knowledge in adapting to floods; A way forward to sustainable agriculture,Frontiers in Plant Science,SSCI
陈少铭,Muhammad Tayyab Sohail,杨明晖,Examining the effects of information and communications technology on green growth and environmental performance, socio-economic and environmental cost of technology generation: A pathway toward environment sustainability,Frontiers in Psychology,SSCI
陈少铭,杨明晖,林宇恒,Predicting happiness levels of European immigrants and natives: An application of Artificial Neural Network and Ordinal Logistic Regression,Frontiers in Psychology,SSCI
Xinfeng Jiang,Jianxing Guo,AHSAN AKBAR*,Petra Poulova,Right person for the right job: the impact of top management’s occupational background on Chinese enterprises’ R&D efficiencyECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA,SSCI
Xiewen Ni,Zanxin Wang,AHSAN AKBAR*,Sher Ali,Measuring natural resources rents volatility: Evidence from EGARCH and TGARCH for global data, Resources Policy,SSCI
Xiewen Ni,Zanxin Wang,AHSAN AKBAR*,Sher AliNatural resources volatility, renewable energy, R&D resources and environment: Evidence from selected developed countries, Resources Policy,SSCI
Qasim Ali Nisar,AHSAN AKBAR*,Shumaila Naz,Syed Arslan Haider,Petra Poulova,Mahnoor Abdul Hai,Greening the Workforce: A Strategic Way to Spur the Environmental Performance in the Hotel Industry,Frontiers in Environmental Science,SSCI
Syed Arslan Haider,AHSAN AKBAR*,Shehnaz Tehseen,Petra Poulova,Farrokh Jaleel,The impact of responsible leadership on knowledge sharing behavior through the mediating role of person−organization fit and moderating role of higher educational institute culture,Journal of Innovation & Knowledge,SSCI
Bilal,Eglantina Hysa,AHSAN AKBAR*,Fakhra Yasmin,Atteeq ur Rahman,Shengbing Li,Virtual Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bibliometric Review and Future Research Agenda,Risk Management and Healthcare Policy,SSCI
Ma, DS (Deshui, Ma),AHSAN AKBAR*,Bilal,Monetary policy, assets mispricing and share pledge: empirical evidence from A-share listed companies of China,APPLIED ECONOMICS,SSCI
Idrees, H (ldrees, Hisham),Hynek, J (Hynek, Josef),Xu, J (Xu,Jin),AHSAN AKBAR*,,Jabeen, S (Jabeen, Samrena),Impact of knowledge management capabilities on new product development performance through mediating role of organizational agility and moderating role of business model innovation,FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY,SSCI
Khan, Soha,AHSAN AKBAR*,,Nasim Ilsmat,Hedvicakova, Martina,Bashir,F(Bashir,Furrukh),Green finance development and environmental sustainability: A panel data analysis,FRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE,SSCI
Jiang,XF (Jiang, Xinfeng),AHSAN AKBAR*,Hysa, E (Hysa, Eglantina),Akbar, M (Akbar, Minhas),Environmental protection investment and enterprise innovation: evidence from Chinese listed companies,KYBERNETES,SSCI
Rafiq, M (Rafiq, Muhammad),AHSAN AKBAR*,Maqbool, S (Maqbool, Saif),Sokolova, M (Sokolova,Marcela),Haider, SA (Haider, Syed Arslan),Naz, S (Naz, Shumaila),Danish, SM (Danish, Syed Muhammad),Corporate Risk Tolerance and Acceptability towards Sustainable Energy Transition,ENERGIES,SSCI
Muhammad Tayyab Sohail,陈少铭,Public perceptions about foreign investment, A PLS-SEM analysis toward republic sustainable infrastructure,PLOS ONE,SSCI
Muhammad Tayyab Sohail,杨明晖,Environmental concern in the era of digital ?scal inclusion: The evolving role of human capital and ICT in China,Frontiers in Psychology,SSCI
Muhammad Tayyab Sohail,陈少铭,A PLS-SEM analysis to check public willingness to use water from filtration plants installed by public own organizations; A study of psychological behavior toward sustainable development,Psychology Research and Behavior Management,SSCI
Liu C., Yang M., Hou Y., Zhao Y., Xue X. (2021). Spatiotemporal evolution of island ecological quality under different urban densities: A comparative analysis of Xiamen and Kinmen Islands, southeast China. Ecological Indicator, 124, 107348 (SCI)
Ahsan Akbar, Xinfeng Jiang, Muhammad Azeem Qureshi and Minhas Akbar,Does corporate environmental investment impede financial performance of Chinese enterprises? The moderating role of financial constraints,Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2021;28,SSCI
Ahmed, B.; Akbar, M.; Sabahat, T.; Ali, S.; Hussain, A.; Ahsan Akbar*; Hongming, X. Does Firm Life Cycle Impact Corporate Investment Efficiency? Sustainability 2021, 13, 197. Journal Rank:SSCI, Impact factor: 2.576.
Muhammad Azeem Qureshi, Minhas Akbar, Ahsan Akbar, and Petra Poulova,Do ESG Endeavors Assist Firms in Achieving Superior Financial Performance? A Case of 100 Best Corporate Citizens ESG,SAGE Open,2021;11(2),SSCI
Liu, C., Yang, M., Hou, Y., & Xue, X. (2021). Ecosystem service multifunctionality assessment and coupling coordination analysis with land use and land cover change in China's coastal zones. Science of The Total Environment, 797, 149033. (SCI)
Husnain M, Wang Z, Poulova P, Syed F, Ahsan Akbar *, Akhtar MW, Akbar M and Usman M (2021) Exploring Brand Hate and the Association Between Similar Competitor Offer and Brand Equity: A Moderated-Mediation Model. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:533216. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.533216. Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact factor: 2.067.
Minhas Akbar, Ahsan Akbar, and Muhammad Umar Draz,Global Financial Crisis, Working Capital Management, and Firm Performance: Evidence From an Islamic Market Index ,SAGE Open,2021;11(2),Journal Rank: SCI
Minghui Yang, Qian Lin and Petra Maresova,Does Employee Care Trigger Innovation Under a Healthy and Safe Working Environment? Evidence from the Pharmaceutical Industry in China,healthcare,2021, 9(2),SSCI
Sadaf Zeb,Ahsan Akbar,Azeem Gul,Syed Arslan Haider,Petra Poulova,Fakhra Yasmin:Work–Family Conflict, Emotional Intelligence, and General Self-Efficacy Among Medical Practitioners During the COVID-19 Pandemic,Psychology Research and Behavior Management,2021;14,SCI
Minghui Yang, Petra Maresova , Ahsan Akbar , Paulo Bento , and Weixi Liu:Convergence or Disparity? A Cross Country Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Banking Industry in Nordic Countries and China,SAGE Open,2021;11(3),SSCI
Irfan Ullah, Assad Ullah,Sher Ali,Ahsan Akbar*,Muhammad Haroon Shah,Alam Rehan,Muhammad Zeeshan,Fakhr E Alam Afridi:Public Health Expenditures and Health Outcomes in Pakistan:Evidence from Quantile Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model,Risk ManagementAnd Healthcare Policy,2021 ;14,SSCI
Chao Liu, Minghui Yang, Yuting Hou and Xiongzhi Xue,Ecosystem service multifunctionality assessment and coupling coordination analysis with land use and land cover change in China's coastal zones ,Science of the Total Environment,2021;124,SCI
Minghui Yang, Jiawen Wang, Fakhra Yasmin,Does Higher Business Education Champion Environmental Sustainability for Next Generation of Leaders? An Assessment of In-School Students and Alumni’s Perspective,Polish Journal of Environmetal Studies,2021;30(6),SSCI
Mudassir Husnain, Zanxin Wang, Petra Poulova, Fauzia Syed, Ahsan Akbar, Muhammad Waheed Akhtar, Minhas Akbar and Muhamm:Exploring Brand Hate and the Association Between Similar Competitor Offer and Brand Equity: A Moderated-Mediation Model,Frontiers in Psychology,2021;11,SSCI
Liu, G., & An, R. (2021). Applying a Yin-Yang Perspective to the Theory of Paradox: A Review of Chinese Management. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 14, 1591–1601. (SSCI Q2).
Liu C., Yang M. (2020). An empirical analysis of dynamic changes in ecologicalsustainability and its relationship with urbanization in a coastal city: The case of Xiamen in China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 256, 120482 (SCI)
An, R., Zhu, J, J., Li, Y, R., & Zhu, H. (2022). Acculturation in a multicultural classroom: Perspectives within the yin-yang metaphor framework. Language and Intercultural Communication. 22(5), 534-551 (SSCI Q2)
Zanxin Wang, Minhas Akbar and Ahsan Akbar* (2020). The Interplay between Working Capital Management and a Firm’s Financial Performance across the Corporate Life Cycle. Sustainability, 12(4), 1661: Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.576.
Akbar, M.; Ahsan Akbar*; Maresova, P.; Yang, M.; Arshad, H.M. Unraveling the Bankruptcy Risk‒Return Paradox across the Corporate Life Cycle. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 3547. Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.576.
Akbar M., Akbar A., Maresova P., Yang M., Arshad HM. (2020). Unraveling the bankruptcy risk return paradox across the corporate life cycle. Sustainability, 12 (9), 3547 (SSCI 二区, 第四作者)
Zanxin Wang, Saqib Ali, Ahsan Akbar and Farhan Rasool (2020). Determining the Influencing Factors of Biogas Technology Adoption Intention in Pakistan: The Moderating Role of Social Media. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 17, 2311. Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.849.
Ahsan Akbar, Rehman A, Ullah I, Zeeshan M, Afridi FEA. Unraveling the Dynamic Nexus Between Trade Liberalization, Energy Consumption, CO2 Emissions, and Health Expenditure in Southeast Asian Countries. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. Accepted, 2020, 13, 1915-1927. Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.429.
Wang J., Yang M.* (2020). Sustainable development at higher education in China: A comparative study of students’ perception in public and private universities. Sustainability, 12 (6), 2158 (SSCI)
Ahsan Akbar, Xinfeng Jiang, and Minhas Akbar. Do working capital management practices influence investment and financing patterns of firms?. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences (2020). Emerald Publishing. Journal Rank: ESCI &ABDC Indexed.
Akbar, Minhas, Ammar Hussain, Ahsan Akbar*, and Irfan Ullah. The dynamic association between healthcare spending, CO2 emissions, and human development index in OECD countries: Evidence from panel VAR model. Environment, Development and Sustainability (2020): 1-20. Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.191.
Yang M., Maresova P. (2020). Adopting occupational health and safety management standard: The impact on financial performance in pharmaceutical firms in China. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 13, 1477-1487 (SSCI)
Ali, Saqib, Petra Poulova, Ahsan Akbar*, Hafiz Muhammad Usama Javed, and Muhammad Danish. Determining the Influencing Factors in the Adoption of Solar Photovoltaic Technology in Pakistan: A Decomposed Technology Acceptance Model Approach. Economies 8, no. 4 (2020): 108. Journal Rank: ESCI & SCOPUS Indexed.
Hussain, Ammar, Minhas Akbar, Muhammad Kaleem Khan, Ahsan Akbar, Mirela Panait, and Marian Catalin Voica. When Does Earnings Management Matter? Evidence across the Corporate Life Cycle for Non-Financial Chinese Listed Companies. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13, no. 12 (2020): 313. Journal Rank: ESCI & ABDC Indexed.
Shah, Muhammad Haroon, Nianyong Wang, Irfan Ullah, Ahsan Akbar, Karamat Khan, and Kebba Bah. Does environment quality and public spending on environment promote life expectancy in China? Evidence from a nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag approach. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management (2020). Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor, 1.367.
He, G. H., An, R., & Zhang, F. (2019). Cultural Intelligence and Work-Family Conflict: A Moderated mediation Model Based on Conservation of Resources Theory. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 16(13), 2406. (SSCI Q1)
He, B., An, R., & Berry, J. (2019). Psychological adjustment and social capital: a qualitative investigation of Chinese expatriates. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, 1(26), 67-92. (SSCI Q3)
Ahsan Akbar, Minhas Akbar, Wenjin Tang and Muhammad Azeem Qureshi (2019). Corporate Life Cycle and Bankruptcy Risk: Insights from a Developing Economy. Sustainability, 11(3), 678: Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.576.
He, G. H., An, R., Hewlin, P. F. (2019). Paternalistic leadership and employee well-being: a moderated mediation model. Chinese Management Studies, 13(3), 645-663. (SSCI Q4)
Shaoming Chen , Yuheng Lin, Xinyi Zhu and Ahsan Akbar* (2019). Can International Students in China Affect Chinese OFDI—Empirical Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data. Economies, 7(87), 1-16. Journal Rank: ESCI & SCOPUS Indexed.
Yang M., Paulo B., Ahsan A. (2019). Does CSR influence firm performance indicators? Evidence from Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises. Sustainability, 11 (20), 5656 (SSCI )
Ahsan Akbar, Saqib Ali, Muhammad Azeem Ahmad, Minhas Akbar and Muhammad Danish (2019). Understanding the Antecedents of Organic Food Consumption in Pakistan: Moderating Role of Food Neophobia. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health, 16(20), 4043: Journal Rank: SSCI, Impact Factor: 2.849.